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Vote for Americans as the US President 


Toughest Chronic US/World Problems & Easiest Fastest Cleanest Solutions:
          Our election predictions are always accurate because we own top divine given innovations, and our brains are wired to American voters'. That's why pests/criminals lose elections endlessly out of self-kill poisons/crimes
, far let Sanders lost, moderate left Hillary lost, Trump won 2016, and Trump keeps major power after 2020 for instance. THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY AND PESTS OWN ALL CRIMES AND ARE BANKRUPT. We are all set to endorse Donald Trump as the US Presidential candidate, who
 surely wins election with great accomplishments. WE DO HAVE SUPERPOWER W/O ELECTIONS, because when we demand pests to die, they either die with self-kill poisons/crimes as fake resistance or cooperation. 

         Many Americans deceived by criminal Democratic leaders will join us. We collected majority+ votes from our sample business and presidential election campaigns and expect to get around 75% votes if presidential elections happen now. We go all in with Indian cancer free most competitive Microsoft partnership now. Healthy Microsoft dominating tech industry again helps kill Alphabet/Apple/Tesla and India/Africa/Mexico hell/ heroin leadership, and jail corrupt others efficiently.

         Pests must be banned from politics, especially root criminal dead Alphabet. We have ZERO TOLERANCE on Harris, Walz, Democrats, Vance, and Nadella. Trump wants to remove/heavily beat VP Vance and his Indian accomplices hurting his election with 25th amendment change. Trump assassination attempts are connected with Vance and Nadella because Harris/Democrats always lose election. Doomsday Device/cancer Democrats lose 100% and much more with Harris/Walz. Trump vs. Harris polls are 90+% to 10-% in reality like Windows vs. cancer Linux desktop market share.

        Terminal ill bankrupt Democrats must do their maximum-security prison jobs first now OR GET MORE HEAVILY BEATEN VERY SOON, including removing accomplices Vance and Nadella without jeopardizing Microsoft, significantly dropping Harris/Democrats polls and stock market especially Alphabet/Apple/Tesla, doing our WinAll mass marketing officially, transferring campaign funding to Trump campaign, and ending all their crimes, agenda, debates, and campaigns. Walz is proved to have same cancer like top prisoner Biden and Harris. PATROITS CAN BROADCAST HARRIS AND DEMOCRATS' CHRONIC DOOMSDAY CRIMES OF ALL KINDS ANYTIME. 

         We stopped our campaigns. But anyone can take all or part of the following info to help Trump win election and market our WinAll innovations. With our or Americans' full support, Trump can heavily beat Harris, Walz, Democrats, Vance, Nadella, and Alphabet/Apple/Tesla businesses and leaders for huge crime/debt accumulations like never before. Strict teachers produce good students! 

        Harris is exactly the opposite of us while faking us and doing endless opposite crimes as train wreck and anti-civilization top leader. Walz/Democrats are like cancerous Steve Jobs to die soon. They always burn our gifts that tell them who they really are and up to, like the Chinese song Conquer where graveyard is their only destination. Harris is pure venom left in its rotten poisonous Alphabet/Democrats no one shall touch. We have stopped blogging and checking their pests/rats stock market dancing where fire exists in hell only, debates, media poisons, campaigns, etc. long time ago because they die soon simply with our votes to always kill their elections.


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