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    Vote for Americans as the US President 


    Our major election/technical predictions are always accurate. Republicans have won elections and the Congress majority as expected. We do have superpower w/o elections as the owner of top innovations. One step backward into Harris/Democrats hell is two steps forward into Republicans big win/bounce back. Original moderate Republicans always love the US much better, without foreign pests and Democrats power struggles, they can love the US fully. Saving/loving ourselves before/is saving/loving others. We expect fast recoveries and long-lasting glories ahead with most competitive leaderships.


    The Democratic Party and their Republican pests/spies are bankrupt, cancer, HIV, criminal, unsustainable, and lacks the basis/logic to exist since its beginning. Those making money or most competitive original Republicans are supposed to spend money or run philanthropy organizations, while Democrats/pests rob their philanthropy money to defeat them criminally. We are done with them after a decade of observations and painful experiences. Top criminals must unconditionally lose and quit first, including significantly dropping stock market especially Alphabet/Apple/Tesla and ending all their robberies/crimes/poisons.


    Our WinAll article (link updated 11/5) has been featured in around 500 US news outlets.  Our next 4-year tasks are dedicated to terminating Alphabet/Apple/Tesla and their leaderships including Africa/India and Democrat criminals/Vance and Trump to end and pay for their huge chronic crimes/debts and help execute our WinAll innovations! Killing Americans' top enemies and executing top innovations are already major accomplishments! 


    ​​Now we need 2nd world/Democratic Trump/Vance, 3rd world Indian criminals, and 1st world Microsoft original leaders to cooperate: 1) Trump uses the  DOJ/Defense to unconditionally remove/kill top pests resisting Sundar Pichai, Arthur Levinson, Sataya Nadella, and JD Vance from Alphabet, Apple, Microsoft, and US VP roles 2) Organize meetings with Microsoft board /leaders and me for leadership replacement and business agreement issues as mentioned 3) Trump signs agreement to quit US President role upon our long-term business collaboration agreement. Such business agreement would have been made immediately before the Obama Admin. But with these hell/defective foreign/Democratic criminals around, it takes a decade of the US/world crisis already, and the end result is still to eliminate them first/simultaneously. We can't achieve anything good on the super corrupt foundation of those hell/defective 3rd/2nd world and Democratic Doomsday Device pests/criminals, represented by Trump/Vance and their 4 super rat parasites/accomplices.​​​


    Most criminal/obsolete hell Alphabet and Apple still rob more than Microsoft while occupied by worst Africa/India/Mexico/Democratic pests. Trump already signaled willing to quit upon agreement with tariffs on Mexico/Alphabet/Apple to die and Canada/Tesla to cooperate first as Democratic parasites/cancers that robbed original Microsoft for power while trying to defeat it through endless crimes/cancers/deceits only to end the world. If Alphabet and Apple continue their cancers/robberies/crimes, Trump must also leverage the US DOJ or defense to confiscate and jail criminal Google/Apple leaders first, definitely with US Supreme Court support.  ​​​​​


    Alphabet and Apple continue to rob, which are always temporary and ignorable like that I have ignored all super rats' stock dances and cursed Harris/Biden/Democrats into losing elections most/huge already. I can't be too aggressive when the US is still trapped in the Harris/Democrat hell. Trump got elected for WinAll killing 4 super rats. If he can do so, I can switch to endorse him again. The key is for Trump to fund and broadcast WinAll first along with Alphabet/Apple huge chronic terrorism/crimes/robberies disclosures. Then super rats will die and Microsoft will follow automatically.  Donald Trump already in power, stop being 2nd world defective or intimid rabbit incompetent to lead and sustaining 3rd world cancer, just fund and broadcast WinAll first to kill 4 super rats super easily and efficiently now! ​


    The US Supreme Court apparently sided with me to rule against Trump Admin over USAID issues. Bill Gates sided with the US Supreme Court decision and met with Trump for the issue before. Accurately cost-effectively helping others such as depopulating bad quality people/businesses by priority helps us with debt reductions and immigration control too. Assuming the US Supreme Court is the 1st world US President over 2nd/3rd world Trump/Vance. My business already gets the official US President support. If the US/world crisis and Alphabet/Apple super HIV/cancer stock manipulations continue, then we will also terminate Trump/Vance leadership. Trump had very limited cooperation. 3rd/2nd world/cancers/HIVs Harris/Democrats and their businesses must terminate their cancerous self-destructive insurrections and quit/die unconditionally from now on. 


    3rd world Harris/Obama/Biden/Vance still insurrect with Alphabet/Apple not bankrupt today for more US/world crisis by spreading their super HIVs/cancers instead of dying to quarantine. 2nd world Trump must follow the US Supreme Court order to close and confiscate worst quality 3rd world hell #1 Alphabet and their leaders first now. Super HIV/cancer/3rd world pests can never help anything except for spreading deadly diseases to end the world. After their unconditional deaths, tons of 1st world businesses/people can help much better! Nothing good is possible with super rat/HIV/cancer foundation represented by Alphabet still alive. Trump/Vance, mandate DOJ to terminate Alphabet now.


    Close and confiscate Alphabet responsible for all debts/robberies/crimes/crisis since 2013!

    Close and confiscate Alphabet responsible for all debts/robberies/crimes/crisis since 2013!

    Close and confiscate Alphabet responsible for all debts/robberies/crimes/crisis since 2013!

    Close and confiscate Alphabet responsible for all debts/robberies/crimes/crisis since 2013!


    Trump Admin needs to stop farting Ukraine/other matters and directly work with me to close and confiscate Alphabet and heavily fine Apple and organize Microsoft meetings for WinAll deals. Even though Alphabet, Apple, and Indian criminals still fruitlessly self-kill insurrect, the conservative majority US Supreme Court will side with Americans and Trump Admin can bomb them anytime. Microsoft future leaders/board, please work with me for leadership change and business collaboration deal. Ignore super rats presence as they are all just jailed wild animals roaring/acting outside our fences all the time! When we do normal healthy WinAll business, the obsolete/cancerous businesses/people automatically die/lose.


    Close and confiscate $40T debts/crimes cancerous/obsolete Alphabet and heavily fine Apple!

    Close and confiscate $40T debts/crimes cancerous/obsolete Alphabet and heavily fine Apple!

    Microsoft signs WinAll deals and broadcast WinAll now!

    Microsoft signs WinAll deals and broadcast WinAll now!

    PEACE THROUGH STRENTH! Bomb the s**t out of resisting Alphabet/Apple/Indian criminals!

    PEACE THROUGH STRENTH! Bomb the s**t out of resisting Alphabet/Apple/Indian criminals!

    PEACE THROUGH STRENTH! Bomb the s**t out of resisting Alphabet/Apple/Indian criminals!

    PEACE THROUGH STRENTH! Bomb the s**t out of resisting Alphabet/Apple/Indian criminals!



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