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    Future devices’ multi-touch/AR/VR displays, keyboard/touchpad/gaming/virtual inputs, mobile computers, and accessories are all detachable, super powerful, and ultra-portable. Detachability makes phones/tablets/monitors and inputs very lightweight or ultra-portable and computers/game consoles super powerful.


    Accessories such as AR/VR glasses, phone/tablet holders, and off-grid chargers enable us to work & play in all body poses, all places, and all times. And multi-touch display may be rollable.


    Windows phone/tablet/computer convergence and universal apps, Android emulation, virtual desktop, and VR/AR modes are all included


    In addition, AR/VR glasses may couple with neck mount to offload weights/batteries for long time uses. Hand tracking and sign language like virtual inputs along with AR/VR glasses and new OS UI can maximize our intuitive interactive immersive computing and gaming experiences.


    Specifically, we will build a detachable lightweight full screen big/resizable Windows Phone mainly for partial I/O, such as display, multitouch, camera/motion/orientation/GPS/other sensors, mic/speaker, vibration, etc., hooked w/o cable like XR glasses to a high end mini gaming PC, with off-grid power integration, and mini versatile keyboard and tablet holders, better XR glasses with hand tracking and 2D/3D inputs, and seamless system integrations.


    Future OS/hardware/chip/software developments

    1. Detachable lightweight thin big/foldable/rollable/resizable/flexible 6 to 9 inch full screen Windows Phone for partial I/O such as display, inputs, mic/speaker, vibration, motion/orientation/camera sensors, vibration etc. and hooked w/o cable like XR glasses to min PC to provide all smartphone features/capabilities

    2. High end mini gaming PC offloads Windows Phone’s processing, graphics, storage, battery, and other I/O. High end AMD/other CPU/GPU, memory, and storage solutions and rich connectivity 5G/wifi/BT/NFC/GPS/etc. are integrated

    3. Important compact off-grid power or free energy generator is supplied

    4. Windows UI is optimized for small and XR displays, such as entire UI interacting like mobile app, virtual inputs auto on in XR mode, and XR mode deeply integrated and bug free like Mirror Studio app with more convenience and features, easy or auto phone/tablet/PC/gaming/AR/VR mode switches, etc. Other Windows components will be optimized/removed accordingly

    5. Detachable mini/wearable versatile keyboard/controller and tablet holder

    6. Better XR glasses, smaller glasses to easy typing, BT earphones instead, prescription integration, versatile neck mount wired to both glasses arms for hand tracking/2D/3D inputs, partial I/O, processors, storage, power, and wireless/smaller/lighter/cooler/balanced/safer XR glasses, etc.

    7. Seamless elegant system integration, robust/rugged, etc.

    8. Windows UIs and apps for phone/tablet/PC/game/VR/AR. A lot more serious games and VR/AR apps along with relevant development guidance/templates/tools

    9. Better/more VR inputs/outputs including virtual inputs, mini/foldable keyboard, wearable input, mini VR gloves with tactile feedback, sign language, etc.


    Preorder now for our next generation of all-in-one devices and accessories, available in early 2025.


    Bulk preorder or wholesale price negotiable.

    Windows Phone, Tablet, PC, Gaming, AR, VR, and Accessories Bundle (PreOrder)

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